Monday, September 28, 2009
Reunion at Bryce Canyon N.P.
We made the drive northeast from Loma Linda to Southern Utah for a quick visit with my parents who drove out from Ohio. We explored Bryce Canyon soaking up new memories and reflected on the old ones many years ago when David, Emily, and Ashley were present. It was the first time I've revisited a vacation spot to a national park. It made me miss those times of complaining about long hikes and watching Ashley freak out when a bug landed on her.

Katie needed a break from hiking and decided to go vertical.

A view from "Rim of the World" trail. We hiked over 5 miles starting on this ridge and then made our way down switchbacks to the bottom, thought the "hoodoos" and then conquered a steep climb to the top.
This part of the canyon looked like a "city on a hill."
There were remains of past fire damage all throughout the park.
I took this photo for Jason. A friend of mine who always asks me to take pictures looking up. He just likes them.
Enjoying a game of Euchre at the Bryce Canyon Lodge.
After miles of hiking in hot temperatures we escaped the chilly nights and enjoyed a great dinner at the lodge.
Sunday morning. Katie beginning the packing process as Dad and Cheryl prepare bacon, eggs, and toast for breakfast.
On our way home we drove Route 14. It is a scenic byway through the Dixie National Forest. Our timing couldn't have been better as the leaves were changing their colors.
This was an interesting place and hard to describe. At 9,500 feet in altitude it looked like alaskan tundra mixed with mountain evergreens and clear lakes.
It was nice to see the fall colors. It has been almost seven years since I've been able to enjoy the colors of a Midwest fall.
What a crazy fall break! We covered lots of miles in the past week and spent plenty of time with family and friends. Now it is Monday morning and I await my first class of the fall quarter. In one hour life will get crazy again. Let the adventure continue!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Our Journey into Sequioa National Park
Curt rented a huge 15 passenger van so we could all travel together.
Scott, Katie, Jeff and wife Raelene, Curt and wife Jody.
We arrived around 2a.m. Setting up your tent and gear is always fun in the dark. We camped in a campground the first night. It was slow as the camping season is coming to an end.
At the end of a 25 mile winding dirt road that took us and hour and a half to complete we hit the trail. 
The final push. Katie looking for her next step as we climb over a ridge to the next lake. This was by far the hardest point for me. I was tired and experiencing a little altitude sickness. Kate told me to "suck it up, cupcake!" and then I was fine.
Katie and Rea.
We enjoyed "Mosquito Lake 2" all to ourselves. 

Meal time. We purchased meals from the local camping store. Just add water. Heart burn and bad gas was the result. Next time we'll bring our own food.
Cooking in my thermals...just for the photo.
Euchre on a cliff.
We did a day hike to Mosquito Lakes 3,4 &5 on Saturday. The fifth lake was the largest but absolutely no tree cover at 9,400 ft.
The guys made a quick scramble to the top of the ridge. It was an extra 600 ft. of straight bouldering. This push put us above 10,000 ft.
The ladies stayed back and enjoyed conversation at lake five.
Kate and I at lake 4.

Lake 2, all by ourselves.
Filtering water.
Early signs of fall.
The descent. 
Our last chance at getting a shot with a Sequoia. Exhausted we pulled to the side and took a quick photo.
Truly a wonderful trip. Both exhausting and rejuvenating. Next on the list is Bryce & Zion National Park next weekend. It will be a nice change from the Sequoias.
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