Sunday, February 10, 2008

Blue Steel-- a tribute to Scott

This is my husband... Scott William Lyon. If he wasn't pursuing to be a Doctor in Physical Therapy, i think he would easily find a career in modeling, or acting...or maybe he's just really clever. He would tell you he would be a photographer, or maybe a financial planner...on the other hand, i think he makes a great husband regardless. Here's why he makes me smile...

One of his greatest accomplishments so far this year has been covering his friend Jared's car completely with snow:

I do beleive that Scott is the way he is because of the people he spends his time with...

and his love for Sports...

esspecially the Buckeyes

and then there's his love for photography... and trying to best capture the things that make him smile...

It's definetly a joy being married to this man.
I wouldn't have asked for anything less! More pics, more laughs, more stories of adventures to come....

1 comment:

Joel said...

So, not Scott, but that guy with the long goatee...