Friday, February 13, 2009

Random photos from the week.

Just thought I would add some random pictures. The Craftsman handles from my grill set. Yeah, I said Grill Set. I Bar-B-Que with these.
We had a visitor last Wednesday night. This is David Springer. I give him a lot of credit for my decision to go into Physical Therapy. He encouraged me to pursue it two years ago when Kate and I lived in Spokane. He graduated from Loma Linda and comes down here about three times a year to fit people for wheel chairs at local hospitals and care centers.
One thing that keeps me going is Katie's cooking. She cooks incredibly healthy and it tastes amazing!

Sunday we head into L.A. for a step back into Renaissance times. We've never been the chocolate and flowers couple on valentines day and it seems that our standards are too high for most restaurants. But it's still an excuse to do something so we are going to "Midevil Times." It's a show and dinner. You eat with your hands and people joust and sword fight in front of you.


Nancy and Danny said...

Katie, Your gourmet platters look like they could be on the cover of Bon Appetit!!!! I bet they taste as good as they look.
Scott, isn't that the fellow we met when we visited you last year?
You will be that encourager for someone else one day.
Love you both,

molly said...

katie's food looks like a magazine or the food netowrk or something! yum!!!