Sunday, October 18, 2009

A tribute to Katie

Can I praise my wife for a minute? The number one comment I get from single people in my program is, "It's probably really hard to be married while in this program." For some people, yes, it probably is difficult. But for me, Kate has made this transition and season in our lives incredibly easy. Yes, school is hard. Very hard. But I enjoy it because my wife understands the demands and instead of complaining about my studies she has ran with it and made the most of it for me and for herself.
Katie has been disappointed in the lack of coffee shops down here. She missed meeting with other girls over a good cup of coffee.

I just had to put some old photos in here.Katie at a dance. Can you pick out her date? I think they probably went with the other girls just to be in Katie's group.
Today, I walked around the track at school while Kate ran. I watched her and she is so motivated. This Sunday she will do another Triathlon. Someone asked me if I was going to do the tri as well. I said no. It's more fun watching her.
Katie has done a good job keeping up with those she loves. Sarah, a Spokane friend has met up with her a few times since we moved to California.I have to thank Colleen (Below middle) who mentored Katie in the years we dated. Both Colleen and husband Bill met with us consistently after our marriage and we give them a lot of credit for our success in our first three years of marriage. This is Katie's "Alright, I can fix what Scott did wrong and it will be ok" face. Haha.Though we are thousands of miles away from my family, Katie appreciates them. I appreciate her effort to get to know them. Here Katie is at a wedding shower for Amanda. That's Amanda with her.
This is Katie telling me all the ingredients in this meal. She does this every meal. "Do you taste the basil?" "No, Kate, I don't know what that tastes like." "Do you taste the...?" "Yeah, no."
Katie is quite the outdoors woman too. She never complains about being in the woods or being a little dirty.
Thanks Kate for supporting me though this time. Thanks for believing in me and respecting me. Thanks for cooking great food. Thanks for encouraging me to exercise and pray. Thanks for getting excited about what I am excited about. Thanks for keeping me grounded.

I want all to know that I love my wife and need her. I would be fat and out of school if I didn't have her. I appreciate what she is doing here in California. She is making the most of it. Building friendships, getting involved, and pushing through the tough times. Thanks Katie.

Let's give Katie a virtual hug.


Nancy and Danny said...

I, too, THANK YOU Katie for standing behind our son while he continues to become the man God intended him to be; a loving, supportive husband to his beautiful, understanding wife.
We love you both,
Mom and Dan

Nancy and Danny said...

Lack of coffee shops!?!That is reason enough to move back to Washington!Espresso or bust! Death before Decaf!

sarahg said...

Beautifully stated, Scott. You are a phenomenal man. Kate is a lucky woman.

Anonymous said...

It is pretty neat to read about what an amazing woman Katie is. You see, I have known her since she was about 4 or 5. So to see her grow into the beautiful woman both inside and out, has been a wonderful experience. To know that she has found a man who loves her for all that she is, make this aunt very happy.. You two are great together, and for you Scott to take the time to thank her and pay tribute to her says a lot about your character and your marriage..