Monday, May 5, 2008

End of an era

Besides a change of scenery and a new schedule, moving forces you to take inventory. It makes you gut everything you own and question whether or not you need it. "Do I really need these flat tennis balls?" No, so I throw them away, give them away, or sell them. Katie and I have done this with every piece of everything we own together. She encourages me to get rid of this and that and I do the same. We have made over $600 in stuff that we haven't used over the last year and now we don't have to worry about moving it. The lovely truck above has been a blessing. We sold it and the money we made will be what we live on till our first loan and Katie gets a job. This truck was my grandpas before I had it and he will be happy to know that it went to an older couple in northern Washington. Kettle Falls to be exact.
It is great to know that when I purchase something, someone will buy it years later after I used it. Its like getting 10-15% off at the end of its use to you. Whenever I buy something now, I think,"how much am I going to be able to resale this for in a few years?" Anyway, it's good to know that we have been frugal with our money. They say money problems are a main factor in divorces in America. I rest in knowing that Katie and I have started our marriage looking out of the best interests in each other. Whether that includes money or not.

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