Here I sit at the school library for a few reasons. One, i've got one final left tomorrow at 1pm. Two, my internet at home isn't working. I've called, Katie's called and we are tired of having to fix this thing every other week. Now it just doesn't work. I'm going to have them reimburse us for the time we've had internet and it's not worked. In a nice way of course, I have to remember that the person on the other end of the phone isn't directly responsible for my problem. I am a firm supporter in Verizons cell phone service but their internet is a mess. That's why today you get no new pictures of this weekends trip to the mountains and bikerides and stuff.
My test tomorrow is on Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Mormonism, Buddism, Judaism, Christian Science, Primal Religions, Confucianism, and Wicca (witches and warlocks). I have to know the founder/prophet, the core or essence of the belief, a decent amount of the history, the process of becoming one of these faiths, their distinctions, and how to handle them in the Physical Therapy world. It was interesting when the Christian Science guy came. Christian Science doesn't believe in using doctors, hospitals, or any medical treatment. They call on prayer for healing in a different sort of way. So here he sits speaking to a class of future medical/ health professionals. So we need to know what to do if at some random point one decided to have therapy from us.
Yesterday after church we decided to go up to the mountains. I had a final this morning and I was going to study either way so for Katies sake we took mountain air instead of air conditioning. Our church was up there for a fall reunion. It was a massive picnic. Katie said it looked like one of her family reunions. (with only a third of the food though) She comes from a cooking family. The only way I personally am going to meet anyone is at an event like this. I'm so overwhelmed with school that I won't make time for new friends that aren't in my program. Events force me to be somewhere for an extended period of time. I still managed to study in my lawn chair for three out of the six hours we were there. There was one rain cloud in the sky. It sprinkled for a few minutes. It was awesome! The feeling of rain stinging my face was a feeling i've forgotten about. When it ended the smell brought back smells of pine and clean air from Spokane. There was also a mixture of heavy humidity that spurred memories of the midwest. Late nights driving though fog in Cuyahoga Valley after buffalo wings at Fisher's and Winkin' Lizard. Those memories were cut short as the heat returned and kids splashed in the water and threw sand at each other. I guess we can't ever return to memories. That's what makes them so great. Now I know why I like to initiate new memory making times with friends and family. Grabbing a beer with my dad on the golf course in Mexico. Being dropped into a sandbox for the first time. Dinner every tuesday and thursday with six plus cassie. Baseball games with grandpa. Basketball with Dan. Late night trips home from the Chapel with the smell of Rally's in the back seat. Trips to Coure d'alene with Brossoit. A half dozen trips across the country...alone. Mountain biking with the brothers. Watching David play barbie's with Emily.(Just kidding Dave) Pizza, Chicken & Jojos on the patio on Marhofer. Marhofer superbowls. 60 hour work weeks of baseball in the backyard with the "team." Golfing 36 holes a day as a 7th grader at a par 3 course. Hundreds of thousands of fly balls hit to me by dad and grandpa yet I played infield for most organized teams. Meeting Katie for the first time. And our "DairyQueen" date. The trees outside are hinting at fall but the temperature here is still 90+. Midwestern falls and sunsets. Watching kids have the summer of their lives at Summer's Best Two Weeks.
How does one study with such a heavy heart to return to all these places.
Mark and I were playing disc golf tonight and some of the leaves had already turned, fallen on the ground and crunched beneath our feet as we sunk our birdie puts:)
Nice memories.
I like to think memories are the reason you are such a good photographer and writer. Your blogsite will keep these memories and new ones alive in your heart.
Love you,
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