Friday, January 16, 2009

Parent Trap

I'm trying to focus. I'm knee deep into some physiology studies and my mind is all over the place. From the living room comes sounds of Mama Mia! Katie's latest movie rental on a night I shove myself into the books. At one point I sat down to watch it with her only to see Peirce Brosnan, you know the old James Bond, singing. It was weird singing too. I will never watch the old Bond movies the same way again. Scarred.

I also got a call tonight from my dad. It was 9:30 eastern time and he is usually in bed so I thought it might be serious. We lost our grandma Eodice. She had been sick for some time and the tone in dad's voice over the past few conversations was pointing in that direction. Fortunately, Dad and Cheryl drove down to Dayton to see her today.

I can't help but reflecting on grandma Eodice. When we would visit Dayton for Christmas or birthdays she always sought me out and asked about what was going on in my life. Then, six or eight months later, the next time I would see her she would remember what we talked about and followed up on our conversation. I remember when I brought Katie home for her Bridal shower in Ohio. Grandma Eodice looked at me and said in a way only family would know, "good work Scott, she's wonderful."

I've always said I have the best divorced family a kid could have. Both sides have been a huge blessing in my life. I always laugh when I see movies about step brothers and sisters. All the drama. I enjoy the relationships I have with my extended "step" family. At this point in my life, saying "step" is more awkward than not saying it. In an event like this you can only hope that it will unite your family even more.

Well, the movie's over now. Katie wants to join Broadway. I wouldn't put it past her. Katie can sing better than James Bond.


Anonymous said...

Katie, I've watched the movie 3 times and it still makes me want to join broadway!! Love the songs and the corny musical choreography. Kevin gave Teresa and me the movie for christmas. It is a keeper.Watching it actually makes me think of Joan Justiniano, I don't know why.


Jeff Wheeler said...


My prayers are with you and your family at the passing of your Grandma. You're right about family. Family is about LOVE, not titles.

We watched Mama Mia with Jay and Viv on Sunday evening...I broke into spontanious song and dance twice on Monday and 3 times today.

Uncle Jeff

Anonymous said...

Scott, That was so nice, what you said about Grandma, she always made time to get to know our lives. Thanks again for the phone call, I hope you got my email! I love you guys, we will talk soon!
Hugs and kisses,
