Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Another Opportunity to Trust

Well, it's 1:15pm here and I'm sitting outside in the sun. I don't mean to rub it in; I'm telling you this because I was told to. One of my professors told us they discovered vitamin D was actually a hormone. It is incredibly important. Of course you all know that the sun is a great source of vitamin D. So here I sit, not for vanity but for my health. 15 minutes a day. I apologize to all of you in the northern half who are under multiple feet of snow.

I can't focus right now. During my fifteen minutes of sun I tried to study. I can honestly say I think i'm ready for my tests and quizzes. So it's difficult to go over the material again and again. I decided to pray. You see I need to pray right now. Sometimes I just like to pray but right now I need to pray. I got an email from one of my instructors about our clinicals in June. To fill you in, we are required to go and get field training six different times in my 2 1/2 more years here at Loma Linda. In those rotations it doesn't matter if you are married, single, with or without children, carless or sick-you go where you go. It's a lottery. And the randomness keeps it "fair". So coming this February I will get to choose, kind of, where I will spend my first two weeks of June doing my clinicals. I need wisdom. What should I pursue? If it isn't in biking distance how am I going to get there? I don't have a car. How will Katie feel if I am far away? I know she will be fine but that still stinks. Will I have a good Clinical Instructor? I hear the horror stories. Will the place I go to be a place I can keep as a contact for a future job? So many questions.

Yet I don't worry. It isn't my place to worry. This is a new year and in my reflections and thoughts the word "glorify" comes to mind. When I was young(er) I spoke frequently. More than I should. "God is this, God is that." Without words I want to put my faith even more into action. I figure I will tell everyone how and what we are doing and hopefully they will see a difference in how events get carried out on a day to day basis. Based on events past I see God's hand in my life every step. I can say with trust and without worry He will do whatever he wants with this situation Kate and I will face next. We'll keep you updated.

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