Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nothing new this week...

This is Scott. I'm sick. I feel like I stuffed a tennis ball between my eye balls. So much sinus pressure. I've been sick three times since December. I think it's the kids I work with. They are always sick.

School is a challenge. I made it out this week; above average for my class. Some how I manage two small jobs and school. Plus, Kate and I still have enough time for each other. Yeah, I know mom, that's probably why i'm sick.

It's been cold here at night. I often win the battle before bed over keeping the heat off in our house. It's so expensive. Yet, come three a.m. Katies in the middle of the bed so close to me as if to say, "turn it on or I own this bed!" One of my buddies out here says he fills water bottles with hot water and puts them under the sheets by his wifes feet. Good idea!

Katie and I enjoyed a date Friday night to Costco. Thank you Jay and Viv for the Costco Card. What a great gift! Between that and our rebate from our Costco credit card we were able to stock up on things for the next few months.

Gosh, i'm going to bed.


Nancy and Danny said...

An electric heated mattress pad will save your marriage throughout the cold months! They usually have dual controls but by 15 minutes before you hop in, turn it on, then off after you get in! Sounds like a nice Oct. birthday gift!!

Adams Adventure said...

Hi Katie! So good to hear from you on our blog-that is SOOOOO cool about Cafe Bravo. It makes sense now because that coffee in Temecula was so good and Cafe Delicio was always my fav in Spokane. Definitely check it out! In-N-Out is the best-I'm hooked! Still wanting to get together...let's try for after spring break b/c we're out of town a lot this month. Glad all is well with you guys too!!
