Friday, August 14, 2009

Wrapping up Summer...

Minus one or two here are the T.A.'s that had the opportunity to teach the first year P.T.'s and O.T. classes.

I got a surprise visit from Joel and his dad last week. They were heading out of L.A. on a medical missions trip to don't remember where. I donated a couple pairs of my scrubs and shoes and then bid fair well. I had to redirect Joel, as I often have to do. Here I asked him to test my reflexes and, confused, he went for my nose hairs.

A little more love to our back yard -- some furniture and a newly painted table that was left by the last family that lived here.
Soon to be covered with a tablecloth, filled with lots of food, surrounded by friends, a fire in the fire-pit and s'mores waiting to be devoured.
Yesterday, Joel returned from his mission trip. we drove down to meet up with him and few other of his friends... always a good time at the beach.

coming next.... pictures of our custom build "Corn Hole" set, complete with homemade beanbags.

1 comment:

Vivian said...

Katie, your place looks so inviting. I can hardly wait the 19 days until we get to come and see you and Scott. MOM