Sunday, May 6, 2012

One is silver and the other's gold.

It's Avery's world but Leila has to live in it.  People say, "Just wait, Leila will be long forgot about." or "You're life is going to change...big time!"  Well, I have to say I'm glad I didn't throw my dog away and Avery is far from the center of everything we do.

Sure, Avery has her routines and her sleep and feeding times are of great importance to us but she is a "part" of our family and will function within the family unit...not run the family unit.   And Leila is doing great.  She was not jealous of Avery (like many said she would be).  She gets at least an hour on or off leash walking/ running a day.  She is excited to see Avery (but more me) however knows the time has yet to arrive when Avery can interact with her so she gives her a welcoming sniff and goes on her way.
May has brought out the flowers, sunsets, smells, and wildlife.

Today the tide was out...way out!  That meant an adventure with Leila and Emma for crab, starfish, and shells.  I took my camera.

Where I am standing is usually eight ft. under water.

 I caught a bald eagle  hunting on a sand bar.  Seriously, how often do you see a bald eagle hunting while on the ground?!

 Leila leaves the eagles alone for the most part.  Seagulls, ducks, and blue herons will have to leave the ground when she's around unless they want to meet Leila- Eagles are the exception.  I've yet to see her chase one, be interested in one, or want to be even remotely close to one.  That's probably a good thing!

She's not sitting...she's peeing.

I'm mean and might bite.

Social hour at the beach.

A juvenile eagle on the move.

I wish I could save these beautiful days for when my family visits next week and the week after.  I want them to experience Birch Bay and coastal Washington to it's fullest.  I guess to experience it to the fullest a little rain would be in the mix.

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