Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's raining grannies and grampies.

Well,  Avery has officially met all her grandparents- all six of them.  That's going to be one spoiled grand baby.  We will have to put a cap on gifts and kisses.  The kisses and hugs are always welcome. 

Grandma Nano with a very tired Aves.
Grandpa Dano with a sleeping Aves.
They caught the commune at a good time as everyone was home for dinner. 

Gosh!  She's so stinkin' CUTE!
 "0% chance i'll let you pick me up right now."
Laughing with Grandma. 

"Holla, to my grammies."

Just wait.  This will be the style in twenty years.
 Dan and I getting ready for a kayak adventure.
 We went to our favorite breakfast joint- Harris Avenue Cafe in Fairhaven. They do it right.
 We had a weenie roast for the Memorial weekend.

 World's best beggar.
 Four generations- Avery,  Momma Katie, Grandma Vivian, and Great Grandma Kathy.

 World's best family dog.

We appreciated our visitors.  Thanks for coming!  Now, we pack.  Yes, pack!  My three beautiful women will accompany me to Spokane where we look forward to what God has for us there.  If you have questions that's fine.  They will be answered in the next couple weeks.  Until then...we pack and look forward to reuniting with old and new friends in Eastern Washington!


The Lawsons said...

Let me know what you do to put a cap on gifts with the Granparents...... They do NOT listen to me, at all! lol!

Ali Workentin said...

Nope, this Grammy says no cap on gifts...its our job to love on (not spoil) those sweet babies. And we love the picture of Jay & Viv looking at Avery and Avery looking at them. So precious!!!