Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday Night

This is Scott. It's monday night. Im about to go to bed but had some time because im done studying for the day. I gotta be honest...I feel good about my final on Thursday. There are close to a million things that could be on the two tests (almost not an exaggeration) but I'm pretty confident. Good to hear there are some people I haven't talked to in awhile viewing the blog. Eric P...congrats on marriage. Jamie and Heather-great to hear from you. Jamie, you've been through PT school and I admire and respect you all the more for that. Heather, I'm sure you understand where Katie's at right now. She is handling it well though. She knows it's a season.
So today was day two without Katie. I ran the dishwasher and had to water the flowers this morning. I also made my dinner. A hard boiled egg. I had a thought today on food. I eat a lot of it. Not just alittle but lots...all the time. I'm not fat or even getting there. I just eat like I used to when I exercised everyday. I'm not worried about health. I think I just realized how much money I was eating everyday. "You're full Scott. Stop eating." Studies show that people who have restricted calorie diets actually live longer. (Research it yourself, I don't have time to find that facts.) I remember my parents complaining when I was a kid cause David and I ate so much food. I'm glad I processed that thought today. Eat what you need and sometimes for social, not when you miss your wife and there's nothing to do. The Masseter muscle is a muscle of mastication. It aids in Chewing. I like to look at these cadavers at school and find little things that tell a story about there lives. Some have the largest chewing muscles. After you cut off all the fat they look like a skinny person again. When you get to a new body and you can't tell if they were large or not just check out their chewing muscles. Sorry if talking about that is hard for some of you. Good night.

1 comment:

Nancy and Danny said...

And, Scott, don't forget what else your mother always told you about eating......SLOW DOWN YOUR STOMACH DOESN'T HAVE TEETH!
Nice to hear that you miss your wife!
Hard boiled eggs make great egg salad sandwiches! Make more than one next time.
I love you,