Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mental Benefits

It's now three days after the election. I'm starting to wonder which was worse: the commercials and name calling before the election or listening to everyone wine after the election. It seems that the liberals are excited for a savior bringing "change" while the conservatives think the world is over. I will refrain from telling you which way I voted (Mom and Dad, please keep that to yourselves) yet I will tell you what I discovered about myself and both parties through this election process.

Racism. What is it? Is there a little racism in everyone? I don't know. I do know this. Whenever I question myself, "Am I racist?" it is usually after I flip through the channels and see a channel dedicated to blacks. Or when I am walking to class (not Loma Linda but other universities I attended) and see a black union flyer on the wall. Or when I sit for hours in a financial aid office with an advisor who is shaking her head at the lack of scholarships for young white guys like me. Who's the minority now? That's ok...i'll work off my loans and when I start to make a decent salary i'll be taxed greater and give it to the guy who could have gotten the loan. I'm racist towards racism. If a white guy came to me complaining of african americans, I wouldn't like that. Vise Versa. In my little bubble of Ohio and Spokane I think I realized through this election that maybe americans both black and white possibly don't want to let racism go. I don't know. Just a thought.

The conservative christian. I know a guy who has an interest in biking with me and going on camping trips with his wife, Katie and I and others. He's adventist. He says, "you don't really see how you live until you go out of the box and look back in from the outside." I could say I've done that. Let me evaluate this. He's questioning his faith. I'm questioning my Christians. I'm listening to people talk as if Obama is Satan himself. You want to see a church go up in a frantic? Elect a liberal president. We Christians want Sarah Palin as vice president cause she's a christian yet she has a girl at home expecting a kid and another that is autistic. Now what christian would encourage a wife/mom to take on a task such as this with this kind of home life? Like I said, these are the thoughts I'm having.

I've learned that there are probably people who vote strictly based on skin color and others who strickly vote on belief. They're no different. I really don't have an opinion guys. I'm just happy that I was able to sit back and listen, listen to reasons, listen to worries and complaints, and then lick the envelop shut and stick it in the mail. I leave you with a slight grin of contentment knowing tomorrow it will be 85 and sunny in Southern California.

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Nancy and Danny said...
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